Saved Or Lost

SAVE those YOU CAN REACH from Hell. It is NOT a place built for men.

As I watched Bill Weise’s testimony about hell, he shared this anecdote of the two signs.

Two Signs

In 1912, a great vessel set sail for New York.

We know it to be The Titanic. 

Held within its walls were all manner of people; the rich, the middle class and the poor.

Each of their own religion; Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, and Muslim.

Striking a mountain of ice, it sank.

Into the solitary depths of the Atlantic, it drew its voyagers, never to be seen again.

On that sad day, posted outside an office door in Liverpool were two signs that read;

“Known To Be Saved“ and “Known To Be Lost“. 

A list of names adorning the space under each.

Neither wealth nor religion mattered for those on the lists, much less for those waiting for word about their loved one’s on the journey.

All that mattered was whether they were saved and alive, or lost and dead.

Known to Be Saved & Known To be Lost

Now take a moment.

Think about hell - think of that terrifying place.

A place of no peace, no hope, no light.

Burning sulphur fills the air - there is no space for breath.

There is no rest from torment - maggots feast and men scream.

There is no water, no blood, no life.



Hell is no place for a man or woman.

It is a place built for the devil and his angels - those angels fallen from grace who rebelled against God.


I do not write us to make us afraid.

BUT to bring us to holy fear.

To remind us that hell exists, and of our duty as those who know and believe.

Let us partner with Christ, The One Who Saves, to save those lost in the world.

That they may not be lost and dead - FOR ALL ETERNITY- , but saved and alive.

As a fellow servant of Christ, I work with you in this great work.

I encourage you to remain strong in Christ, and to study and prove this testimony in scripture.

May Christ’s peace be with you!


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